Connected Components Workbench w/Micro800 Controllers Pt1. Manual Only!
This is a Straightline Learning Path, putting lectures and hands-on lab projects into a straightline between you and your career destination; a complete hands on course with all of the elements found in a live classroom, lectures and hands-on lab projects, with the exception of an instructor breathing air in the same room with you.
For instructors...All of this course content can be used in a live classroom with a live instructor administering the content and providing face to face guidance.
On occasion we will schedule live sessions (Zoom type) for learners who have purchased both the manual and the video lecture subscription. This is subject to enough learners requesting this live activity.
The sequence of lectures and hands-on lab projects in this learning environment:
1. Technical lectures, discussions on topics that are general to the technologies represented by the software and hardware that will be used in the field.
Click here to look at the list of lectures...
2. Hands-on lab projects, step by step instructions that allow the learner to experience the ideas presented in the technical lectures. These projects give the learner experiential knowledge as close as is possible to working on the shop floor with a fully productive manufacturing process. The documents used as a guide for these projects should be of a quality sufficient for use as a reference later on the shop floor. Click here to examine the lab project manuals...
3. Lab project discussions and wrap-up lectures. Reviewing the projects and highlighting key learning moments in each project. You can review the list of lectures by clicking on the link above under technical lectures.
4. The software and hardware for this learning experience is not part of this course but those details are fully discussed. In the case of this course, there is a free version of Connected Components Workbench and a fully functional hardware controller simulator that is included with the free version of this software. All of the lab projects can be completed with this simulator.
5. A guide to the sequence of lectures and lab projects is available with the purchase of the manuals. You might say that this is in lieu of an instructor making assignments.
There is an instructor's guide available for course administrators. It is available with a bulk (classroom) purchase of the manuals.
In order to accommodate all learning platforms, the lectures and the manuals are separate purchases.
This series of lectures allows the learner to start at a baseline and increase their knowledge one concept at a time thus building a solid foundation upon which they will construct a practical knowledge of programmable automation controllers.
Their are some optional lectures and demonstrations, specifically on the construction of a digital field device simulator.
The first four lectures review basic electricity and magnetism, very important concepts to gaining a practical and useful knowledge of industrial control systems.
The following group of seven lectures launches with "What does a PLC do?", why would you integrate a PLC into your control system as a solution to a manufacturing challenge? What are input devices, output devices, PLC hardware, Ladder Logic Diagrams, What is a PLC? and a short lecture on building a training station if you need one.
The third group of lectures discuss and demonstrate where to find the software that you need, downloading it and testing the simulator.
Their are some optional lectures and demonstrations, specifically on the construction of a digital field device simulator.
The final group of lectures, nineteen lectures, are lab project specific as presented in the manual that this course is built on.
What is unique about this course is that the software is free and you do not need a hardware controller. All of the projects can be executed effectively with the Simulator that is included with CCW version 12 and later.